Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Counting Money and Unfortunate at-choo!

I had another viewing of Davinci Code for the second time. The film was still full surprisingly after 3 weeks on the cinema. Davinci Code, I must say, until now ticketing booth are selling them like hotcakes. Then on that day, my brother make something out that I always joke. I think you have read that before somewhere in blog/

In one long queue, about to reach the booth:

Me: Eh, give me your money, its RM10.
My brother: Ok, * started counting *

My brother: RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4, RM5, RM6…
Me: * Looked at him in disbelief *

Me: ok ok… I pay for you… no worries… later return... * yes, i am kiamsap! *
My brother: hehehehehe… sorry ar…

Me: dun worry… dun worry… I pay… I pay…

Then tomorrow in the first cinema after Davinci started for half an hour, it got very cold and unfortunately I was in my favorite bermuda shorts and t-shirt. Neither both of us brought any sweater nor jacket. Then all of a sudden, I got the need to sneeze so I cup my mouth.

Me: Ah ah.. Ati-Chooooooooooooooo…. * I sneeze! *

Oh poor Leonardo! My hand was filled with my mucus!

Try to imagine what you will do in my position if both of you (brother or friends) have neither tissue nor handkerchief. Plus next to you is a beautiful girl and hope she did not notice your act in disposing your mucus. Lets guess.

Remember, your hand is filled with mucus!

Is sky the limit… God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

wei... so what did you do at the end...??? this story no ending one?!

william wilstroth said...

hahahaaha... i hope you didn't get my seat in that cinema!