Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blogs are bursting and millions are expressing… I blog!

This blog of mine has reached its one year and four months old. Another 6 months and one year to go before it bid its last entry in episode 3. There are many times I asked myself why did I started blogging. Here is a story of my twisted mind.

Once upon a time, there was this loner in one of millions of cubicles in the cubic world. Everyone lived in a cubicle. They eat, sleep, play and shit in their cubicles. Although there are a few loners in the cubic world but many of them are celebrity popsicles. Everywhere they go, people will definitely want some sweetness from these celebrity popsicles. One day, loners in the cubic world decided to have their own sweetness in fame. They started a group called expressers.

They expressed their feelings and concerns to the world of cubic. Each of them get to express their voice out to the citizen of cubicles. It took only one entry and they were shot to the sky like fire crackers. They were heard daily and increasingly more focus on their updates. Regardless if their concerns and feelings were humorous, serious, environmental, love, hatred, satirist or political but it was the only one part of them to let the world of cubic to know of their existence. World of cubic was equivalent to the millions of cubicle combine to become one big piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Just one expression, all other celebrity popsicles, loners, ragers, unfaithfuls, jokers, spouses, know it alls and many more expressionist will go remark on it.

As expressionist become more famous and elaborate yet a bit of generalization they become the bloggers. They will blog with words type in their mind and express into the form understood and readable by other blogsters and blogstanders. Blogstanders would just read and at times try to find flavours from different blogsters. In contrast to blogstanders, blogster will contribute their expression as well as reading others to get a connection and be in part of the world of blogs. World of cubic also slowly start to evolve and it eventually burst into millions of galaxies. Thus, it creates the island of blogs with different flavors.

Therefore, these flavors represented each blogsters own domain from the world of cubic outburst. Some eventually become tech blogs. Some eventually become social blogs. Some eventually become political blogs. Some eventually become family blogs. Some eventually become sex blogs. Some eventually become personal blogs. Some just pop and move on and form other type of alternative form of expression.

So the linkage of me in this world of cubic or should I say world of blogs infected me by another blogster who sees blogs as one way to communicate herself. Indeed, I was one of the loners in the world of cubic but eventually evolve too to become, not a celebrity popsicle, but another rat in a blog of maze. Blogging until I found the exit. That exit will be my last episode. Episode 3.

This is my story. The end.

Is sky the limit… blog of gateway to millions of unheard expressions…

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