Tuesday, February 28, 2006

As mentioned in my sanctuary...

There are definitely people out with their brains sucked out by T-Virus..

[No offense] But this 'one' people who is out there lurking in the internet definitely badly infected with it. [Sorry, no offense, at least I'm polite here where else that 'one' people out there doesn't deserve to be called human!]

[What the big deal?] It's my forum and I can simply put 's' anywhere I want. I can put my 's' over here's' or over there's'. So's' what's' 'you' care's' about's'? Huh's'? Go shoot the wall if you don't like where I put my 's'. Anyway, it's my as's'. Why 'you' care so much, 'you-idiot-zombie'?

[With my magnum .5 fully loaded, I might shoot your head off you as's' zombie!]

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