Monday, February 13, 2006

Vagrant, you have been promoted!

"Ahem, hey you, vagrant, what's your name?"

"Me? I.. I.. do not know for I.."

"Okay, now I will register you a new nickname called ... Jeff. Now begone.."

[He was zoom out of the sky and fall on the ground]

He woke up, feeling a bit dizzy. All he remembered now was his new name is Jeff. He looked at the sky again. Was the sky the limit?

He stood up and his brain suddenly bulged with all the memories during a festival known as... ... ... ... ... Chinese New Year.

[His brother.. his brother's girlfriend... the 'mahjong'..... the playstation.... the red packet... a cave... and some of his good friends...]

"Ah, pain in the ass.. what the f***k.."

"I still got load of tests and assignments to be done!"

1 comment:

william wilstroth said...

Congratz on getting your streamnutz!