Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why men are hamsup? It’s our nature… otherwise, big problem!

Let me define the word hamsup before you read on.

Hamsup – An action that either men or women become arouse or excited when they see the opposite gender. In modern times, excitation can be due to the same gender too. Hamsap-ing meaning excitation of the opposite or same gender in process.

“I don’t know why you like to watch porno so much. I don’t know why you so hamsup.“

As a man, you obviously can’t stop from watching those stuffs that you think is wrong. Deny watching hamsap film is futile. We men love it very much. Ok lar, to one extend lar. So much so if a man is alone without companion(s). Unless, he is gay. Then it will be a different story altogether (brokeback mountain). Well naturally, i am a man.

Here is how I explain to her.

Me : Do you know why I got all this things to read and watch, dear?
Girlfriend then : why? Hamsup lor…

Me : No, you have to look at the overall picture. Hamsup I get to that part later.
Girlfriend then : yeah … yeah …

Me : shhh… Me being a man should not be deprive all this beautiful stuffs because it helps to relive tension and stress.
Girlfriend then : yeah… plainly you are hamsup!

Me : ahhh… you don’t get my point… as I was saying, being alone without you is unbearable… so as an alternative this replace you…
Girlfriend then : Huh…

Me : If I don’t hamsup these things… I will be going out to another girl…
Girlfriend then : You dare try! * showing her fist *

Me : That is the problem… if I don’t hamsup this things then can I hamsup you?
Girlfriend then : Go away… pervert!

Me : You should be lucky that I hamsup you!
Girlfriend then : Why?

Me : Coz, if I don’t hamsup you and these stuffs… it will be a big problem!
Girlfriend then : yeah right… the whole world will fall down… you can always go find another girl mar… * she looked down sad *

Me : That is NOT the point! You want me to hamsup guys ar?!
Girlfriend then : Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha….

Me : See… does that answer your question why I hamsup you and my stuffs?
Girlfriend then : you go hamsup guys lar… I go find a new one…

Me : Hehehehehe… that is smart of you… therefore, I am going to hamsup you from now on!
Girlfriend then : hahahahahahahahahaha… you go away! Pervert! Wolf!

Me : haahahahahhahahahahaha… oooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Is sky the limit… that is how I made her to be my wife! No lar, just kidding!

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