what did Yahoo! mail said to Gmail?
'mail me your GString'
what did Hotmail said to Gmail?
'i'm Hot on your GSpot'
now, laugh!
ha... ha... ha...
is sky the limit... mail me your Gstring...
what did Yahoo! mail said to Gmail?
'mail me your GString'
what did Hotmail said to Gmail?
'i'm Hot on your GSpot'
Whar did PayPal said ti GMail?
"How much is your GBuy?"
I laughed I read "now laugh, ha..ha..ha"
anyway..u got so many blogs...baca mana satu dei!?
lizzam : ... hahahahaha... Gbuy... why didn't i think of that... ahhahaha
blueapple : hahahahahaa... sorry to mislead you...
if you type www.isskythelimit.blogspot.com it will lead you to my main blog...
my current blog is running is sky the limit : episode 2...
other blogs are just sub blogs...
i think you saw a lot of blogs in my profile right? Just focus on Is Sky The Limit : Episode 2 (Main Blog)
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